Saturday, April 12, 2014

Beach of Summer 2 海边の夏 II

活动 Program title :Beach of suMMer a.k.a 海边の夏 II
主办 Organiser :马达青年团 Persatuan Belia Mantap
协办 Co-organiser:马来西亚宗乡青联合总会(Belia Xianghui)、华裔公务员协会(PSCC)
日期 Date :26-28/07/2014 (3天2夜)
地点 Venue:Tanjung Bidara, Melaka
目标 Target :70 人/pax (35 对 单身男女)
费用 Fee :
RM 450 (于16/04/2014之前报名)
RM 550 (包括住宿, 饮食(Buffet), 营衣,精心制作的活动游戏, 团体照, 保险, 证书等等~)

筹委会主席 Organising Chairman : 廖延洋
报名负责人 Registration : 黄衣琳 Elyn (012-3186275),
委员 AJK : 庄光宏 Kuanghong (017-7319899), 卢镜源 ChinYen, 戚顺威 Chek, 李夏震 Bruce, 林松发 Roy, 张继升 Sing, 杨舜行 Alex, 李美丽 Kimberly

*活动网页 Program page :
*活动报名表格 Registration form :

活动宗旨 Program objective
1.[平台] - 提供单身的朋友一个互相认识的平台、增广社交圈子 To provide a platform for singles connecting each other
2.[联谊] - 以各类有趣轻松的室内室外活动联谊彼此
To network through a lot of fun indoor & outdoor activities
3.[交流] - 促进公共服务与私人领域交流与认识
To exchange view and experiences between public & private industries
4.[旅游] - 提升国人对大马本地景点的认识、促进本国旅游业的发展,并响应大马2014旅游年。
To promote local tourism

*活动概念 Program concept
1.设有多项主要活动. 活动/游戏以轻松,好玩,并能促进彼此认识的方式进行.
Feature varieties of fun, interesting games/programmes to promote the understanding between each other
Via sharing to enhance personal communication skills, understanding of the opposite sex and be more considerate in life.
Free and easy time is available to allow participants could go around and taste the local F&B.

参与者(单身群) 条件 Participant condition
1.年龄介于28-40岁 Age range 28-40
2.绝对单身 (Single & Available)
3.没有不良嗜好者 No bad habits
4.有共同朋友/推荐人 (mutual friend) 或需要宣誓官证明单身 If no mutual friend, need to submit Single Status Certificate

报名方式 Registration method
1.必须上网填报表格登记(截止:4/07/2014 , 于 16/04/2014 前报名折扣 RM100) Closing 4/7/14, Discount RM100 before 16/4/14.
2.缴交营费 Make payment after received confirmation from commitee
3.先到先得 First come first served basis 
4.呈交宣誓官证书(若有) To submit Single Status Certificate (if necessary)
5.马达青 银行户口 Maybank : Persatuan Belia Mantap 5142 0860 3400

第一届【海边の夏】活动照片 Beach of Summer Photos gallery: